Gender and Societal Expectations Theme in Giovanni’s Room | LitCharts thumbnail
Gender and Societal Expectations Theme in Giovanni’s Room | LitCharts
both David and Hella give up who they truly want to be in order to fulfill the gender roles they think society requires them to assume. A cavern opened in my mind, black, full of rumor, suggestion, of half-heard, half-forgotten, half-understood stories, full of dirty words. I thought I saw my future
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  • both David and Hella give up who they truly want to be in order to fulfill the gender roles they think society requires them to assume.
  • A cavern opened in my mind, black, full of rumor, suggestion, of half-heard, half-forgotten, half-understood stories, full of dirty words. I thought I saw my future in that cavern. I was afraid. I could have cried, cried for shame and terror, cried for not under­ standing how this could have happened to me, how this could have happened in me. And I...
  • Yet it was true, I recalled, turning away from the river down the long street home, I wanted children. I wanted to be inside again, with the light and safety, with my manhood unquestioned, watching my woman put my children to bed.

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