Fences by August Wilson Plot Summary | LitCharts thumbnail
Fences by August Wilson Plot Summary | LitCharts
working on building Rose’s fence, Bono tells Troy that he thinks he should realize just how good and loving of a woman Rose is to him. Soon after, Troy confesses to Rose that he’s had the affair with Alberta and that he’s going to be a father to her baby. Shocked, Rose can’t believe Troy would do su
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  • working on building Rose’s fence, Bono tells Troy that he thinks he should realize just how good and loving of a woman Rose is to him.
  • Soon after, Troy confesses to Rose that he’s had the affair with Alberta and that he’s going to be a father to her baby. Shocked, Rose can’t believe Troy would do such a thing at his age, and stands up for herself, blaming Troy for not sacrificing himself enough for the preservation of the relationshi
  • Later, we learn that Alberta died when she gave birth to Troy’s baby, Raynell. Rose agrees to raise Raynell. Then, on another one of Troy’s Fridays, Troy and Cory end their relationship, in an argument over Troy’s infidelity to Rose.
  • Cory, however, says that he does not want to attend—and Rose reprimands him, saying that Cory is obligated to go because Troy was his father, and that refraining from mourning his dad doesn’t make him into a man

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