Everything I Never Told You Chapter 11 Summary & Analysis | LitCharts thumbnail
Everything I Never Told You Chapter 11 Summary & Analysis | LitCharts
ack gently explains that his reputation as someone who sleeps with lots of girls is designed to crush any suspicions about his sexuality She wants to be “transformed” by the time Nath returns home and she wants “something new to tell him.” However, Lydia’s interactions with Hannah in this scene reve
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  • ack gently explains that his reputation as someone who sleeps with lots of girls is designed to crush any suspicions about his sexuality
  • She wants to be “transformed” by the time Nath returns home and she wants “something new to tell him.”
  • However, Lydia’s interactions with Hannah in this scene reveal a new, more adult side to her
  • Lydia slaps Hannah and yanks the necklace from her neck
  • Lydia is determined that Hannah not succumb to the same pressures that James and Marilyn place on Lydia herself.

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