Everything I Never Told You Chapter 10 Summary & Analysis | LitCharts thumbnail
Everything I Never Told You Chapter 10 Summary & Analysis | LitCharts
Marilyn is overcome by the realization that Lydia didn’t love science—she loved Marilyn, and simply wanted to make her happy. Louisa’s “type,” claiming it’s the type of woman Doris hoped Marilyn would be she uses to describe Louisa is tinged with racist stereotypes about Asian women pressure she put
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  • Marilyn is overcome by the realization that Lydia didn’t love science—she loved Marilyn, and simply wanted to make her happy.
  • Louisa’s “type,” claiming it’s the type of woman Doris hoped Marilyn would be
  • she uses to describe Louisa is tinged with racist stereotypes about Asian women
  • pressure she put on Lydia was what forced her into the lake.
  • both James and Nath have turned to stereotypical masculine vices—drinking and adultery—as outlets for their grief, vices that do not suit either of their personalities.

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