Don Quixote Part 1, Chapter 47 Summary & Analysis | LitCharts thumbnail
Don Quixote Part 1, Chapter 47 Summary & Analysis | LitCharts
guarded reply marks the slow development of his secondary realism, his drifting fall from the world of his imagination many people in the world do not and will not believe in chivalry and knight-errantry no longer expects to change their minds Quixote is falling to meet the others, Sancho is rising
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  • guarded reply marks the slow development of his secondary realism, his drifting fall from the world of his imagination
  • many people in the world do not and will not believe in chivalry and knight-errantry
  • no longer expects to change their minds
  • Quixote is falling to meet the others, Sancho is rising to meet Quixote.
  • When the barber calls him insane, Sancho replies, in effect, that the world is not clearly divided into sanity and insanity.

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