Cry, the Beloved Country Book I, Chapter 5 Summary & Analysis | LitCharts thumbnail
Cry, the Beloved Country Book I, Chapter 5 Summary & Analysis | LitCharts
ohn has turned away from the Church, saying that “what God has not done for South Africa, man must do.” Msimangu tells Stephen that he will be staying with Mrs. Lithebe, who is part of the church people of Ixopo are suffering, and the general “sickness of the land,” resulting in broken families and
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  • ohn has turned away from the Church, saying that “what God has not done for South Africa, man must do.”
  • Msimangu tells Stephen that he will be staying with Mrs. Lithebe, who is part of the church
  • people of Ixopo are suffering, and the general “sickness of the land,” resulting in broken families and crime
  • Stephen says that she came there with her child to look for her missing husband
  • she has become a prostitute, and that she is involved in the making and selling of “bad” liquor, and that she has been to prison multiple times

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