Crime and Punishment by Fyodor Dostoevsky Plot Summary | LitCharts thumbnail
Crime and Punishment by Fyodor Dostoevsky Plot Summary | LitCharts
psychologically unhinged Dunya, once a governess working for the Svidrigailov family, has been courted by Mr. Svidrigailov, fired by Mrs. Marfa Svidrigailov, exonerated publically by the same woman, and then proposed to by a government official named Luzhin. Luzhin attends Marmeladov’s funeral banqu
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  • psychologically unhinged
  • Dunya, once a governess working for the Svidrigailov family, has been courted by Mr. Svidrigailov, fired by Mrs. Marfa Svidrigailov, exonerated publically by the same woman, and then proposed to by a government official named Luzhin.
  • Luzhin attends Marmeladov’s funeral banquet and announces that Sonya has stolen 100 roubles from him
  • Luzhin so insults Dunya that the engagement is broken off

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