Born a Crime Chapter 16 Summary & Analysis | LitCharts thumbnail
Born a Crime Chapter 16 Summary & Analysis | LitCharts
Probably in large part thanks to his mother, Trevor’s sense of empathy and morality kicks in. When he sees the humans behind his crime, he realizes that there are both constructive and destructive ways to make money (which is not the same as the difference between legal and criminal ones) and decide
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  • Probably in large part thanks to his mother, Trevor’s sense of empathy and morality kicks in. When he sees the humans behind his crime, he realizes that there are both constructive and destructive ways to make money (which is not the same as the difference between legal and criminal ones) and decides to choose the constructive path. While many peop...
  • Even though the police have absolutely no reason to carry machine guns or destroy Trevor’s computer, he has to deal with the consequences of their overreactions, which derail the core of his business and show that, although the police are no longer massacring blacks to preserve apartheid, they still have unlimited and arbitrary power to oppress Sou...
  • Even though the police have absolutely no reason to carry machine guns or destroy Trevor’s computer, he has to deal with the consequences of their overreactions, which derail the core of his business and show that,

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