Animal Farm Chapter 10 Summary & Analysis | LitCharts thumbnail
Animal Farm Chapter 10 Summary & Analysis | LitCharts
What Mr. Pilkington says about “lower animals” and “lower classes” makes it clear that the pigs—and Mr. Pilkington and the farmers—are in power exactly because they’re profiting off of a class structure of their own making, in which they end up on top. It’s a joke to them because they are so powerfu
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  • What Mr. Pilkington says about “lower animals” and “lower classes” makes it clear that the pigs—and Mr. Pilkington and the farmers—are in power exactly because they’re profiting off of a class structure of their own making, in which they end up on top. It’s a joke to them because they are so powerful in the grand scheme of things, which shows that ...
  • Changing the name of the farm back to Manor Farm is an attempt by Napoleon to begin manipulating the world at large through language. While Animal Farm is a name that speaks to the rebellious and revolutionary nature of the farm, calling it Manor Farm allows him to convey that the farm is normal, acceptable, and capable of existing as a part of pol...

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