A Wizard of Earthsea Chapter 4 Summary & Analysis | LitCharts thumbnail
A Wizard of Earthsea Chapter 4 Summary & Analysis | LitCharts
On the second night of the festival, Ged, Vetch, Jasper, and several of their fellow students have a picnic and practice illusions beneath the stars. As always, Ged and Jasper find themselves trading  insults disguised as friendly jests. Jasper says he’s sick of hanging around prentices—he wants to
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  • On the second night of the festival, Ged, Vetch, Jasper, and
  • several of their fellow students have a picnic and practice illusions beneath the stars. As always, Ged and Jasper find themselves trading  insults disguised as friendly jests. Jasper says he’s sick of
  • hanging around prentices—he wants to be in the company of equals. Ged asks Jasper what sorcerers have that
  • prentices don’t. “Power,” Jasper says. Ged challenges Jasper to a duel, stating he’ll match Jasper’s power.
  • Vetch reminds the two that duels are forbidden. He urges them to come to their senses, yet Jasper and Ged remain resolved to prove themselves. Ged

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