Resignation vs. Empowerment Theme in A Little Cloud | LitCharts thumbnail
Resignation vs. Empowerment Theme in A Little Cloud | LitCharts
Chandler’s new feeling of empowerment leads him to imagine a more successful life as a poet. Yearning to escape his “sober inartistic life,” he judges that he is at the right age (32), with a “temperament […] just at the point of maturity.” ination gives him an escape from his dull life, it does not
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  • Chandler’s new feeling of empowerment leads him to imagine a more successful life as a poet. Yearning to escape his “sober inartistic life,” he judges that he is at the right age (32), with a “temperament […] just at the point of maturity.”
  • ination gives him an escape from his dull life, it does not actually spur him to take action

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