The Monk: A Romance thumbnail
The Monk: A Romance
he has been brought up in an old Castle in Murcia; “Alas! Segnor,” replied Antonia; “The misfortunes of my Parents have already placed before me but too many sad examples of the perfidy of the world! Yet surely in the present instance the warmth of sympathy cannot have deceived me.” Abbey Bell tolle
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  • he has been brought up in an old Castle in Murcia;
  • “Alas! Segnor,” replied Antonia; “The misfortunes of my Parents have already placed before me but too many sad examples of the perfidy of the world! Yet surely in the present instance the warmth of sympathy cannot have deceived me.”
  • Abbey Bell tolled
  • he delicacy and elegance of whose figure inspired the Youths with the most lively curiosity to view the face to which it belonged.
  • Her features were hidden by a thick veil;

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