Balance exercises reduce the rate of injurious falls, improve static, dynamic and reactive balance, lower extremity strength as well as mobility.
Multi-component exercise training reduces medically-attended injurious falls and fallers, incidence of falls, fall-related emergency department visits as well as improves mobility, balance, and lower extremity strength.
compared multi-component exercise interventions to non-active controls showed significant improvements in lower extremities strength (isometric leg extension strength, CST, and knee extensors strength), static balance (backward walking, Romberg test, and postural sway), proactive balance (functional reach test), reactive balance, and mobility, as w...
significant improvements in muscle strength [chair standing test (CST), four square step test (FSST), and 2-min step test (2MST)], balance [single leg stance test (SLST), one leg standing test, tandem stance test, ABC scale, modified Clinical Test of Sensory Organization and Balance, local dynamic stability, and balance recovery], gait and mobility...
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