Frontiers | The Mediating Roles of Upward Social Comparison and Self-esteem and the Moderating Role of Social Comparison Orientation in the Association between Social Networking Site Usage and Subjective Well-Being thumbnail
Frontiers | The Mediating Roles of Upward Social Comparison and Self-esteem and the Moderating Role of Social Comparison Orientation in the Association between Social Networking Site Usage and Subjective Well-Being
We found that social comparison orientation moderated the association between passive SNS usage and users’ upward social comparison. Specifically, social comparison orientation strengthened the association between passive SNS usage and upward social comparison. The large amount of information presen
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  • We found that social comparison orientation moderated the association between passive SNS usage and users’ upward social comparison. Specifically, social comparison orientation strengthened the association between passive SNS usage and upward social comparison.
  • The large amount of information presented on SNSs offers a platform for upward social comparison, and sometimes it is even hard for an individual to avoid evaluating themselves negatively compared to others (Lee, 2014; Tandoc et al., 2015). Therefore, it is possible that passively viewing information on SNS is related to more upward social comparis...
  • herefore, self-esteem can predict users’ subjective well-being, and might be a mediating variable between upward social comparison and well-being.
  • Upward social comparison mediates the relationship between the passive SNS usage and self-esteem. H2. Self-esteem mediates the association between upward social comparison and subjective well-being
  • Social comparison orientation moderates the association between passive SNS usage and upward social comparison.

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