The allure of online gaming among young adults may be attributable to their engaging, well-developed immersive environments and their providing a medium of interaction among large numbers of users, which can facilitate the development of interpersonal relationships within imaginary game worlds without any space or time limits
suggesting that individuals with impulse control and emotional instability issues are more likely to use ACSs and are more susceptible to OGA when they encounter stress.
a stress × neuroticism marginally significant interaction observed suggested that neuroticism directly moderates the effect of stressful life events on OGA, so that in emotionally stable individuals an increase in stressful life events is unnecessarily related to a increase in OGA, while in individuals high in neuroticism it is related to an increa...
Thus, neurotic individuals may be more likely to spend time playing online games, even becoming compulsive players, and may be more likely to experience withdrawal when they stop playing
Highly neurotic women have been reported to use online social networking platforms with elevated frequency, likely to reduce social loneliness (Hamburger and Ben-Artzi, 2000). Furthermore, neurotic individuals may find social interactions to be more rewarding online than in real life if they experience difficulties in real social interaction
Glasp is a social web highlighter that people can highlight and organize quotes and thoughts from the web, and access other like-minded people’s learning.