Frontiers | Robust Phylogeny of Tetrastigma (Vitaceae) Based on Ten Plastid DNA Regions: Implications for Infrageneric Classification and Seed Character Evolution thumbnail
Frontiers | Robust Phylogeny of Tetrastigma (Vitaceae) Based on Ten Plastid DNA Regions: Implications for Infrageneric Classification and Seed Character Evolution
A comprehensive phylogenetic analysis of Tetrastigma was conducted by Chen et al. (2011a) based on four plastid markers (atpB-rbcL, rps16, trnL-trnF, and psbA-trnH) for 53 species and four varieties. The monophyly of Tetrastigma was confirmed and eight major clades within Tetrastigma were identified
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  • A comprehensive phylogenetic analysis of Tetrastigma was conducted by Chen et al. (2011a) based on four plastid markers (atpB-rbcL, rps16, trnL-trnF, and psbA-trnH) for 53 species and four varieties. The monophyly of Tetrastigma was confirmed and eight major clades within Tetrastigma were identified, although some of the major clades were not well-...
  • Ten plastid DNA regions (atpB-rbcL, atpF-atpH, matK, psbK-psbI, rbcL, rpoC1, rps16, trnC-petN, trnH-psbA, trnL-trnF) were selected based on previous phylogenetic studies of Vitaceae

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