The Effectiveness of Physical and Chemical Defense Responses of Wild Emmer Wheat Against Aphids Depends on Leaf Position and Genotype thumbnail
The Effectiveness of Physical and Chemical Defense Responses of Wild Emmer Wheat Against Aphids Depends on Leaf Position and Genotype
The goal of this research was to determine the effectiveness of trichomes (physical defense) and benzoxazinoids (BXDs; chemical defense) Glandular trichomes are used for exudate storage and secretion, while non-glandular trichomes, specialized epidermal hair-like structures, may affect aphid movemen
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  • The goal of this research was to determine the effectiveness of trichomes (physical defense) and benzoxazinoids (BXDs; chemical defense)
  • Glandular trichomes are used for exudate storage and secretion, while non-glandular trichomes, specialized epidermal hair-like structures, may affect aphid movement and reproduction rates
  • everal studies have shown that herbivore feeding induces the subsequently formed leaves to produce higher trichome densities. The inducibility of trichome density is ecologically significant, affecting insect feeding behaviors and limiting their performance in wheat and barley
  • The phloem cell’s architecture provides an additional line of defense in terms of mechanical barriers, owing to latex exudation, resin, or callose deposition around the sieve elements
  • Hence, plants can take advantage of BXD biosynthesis and interconversion to improve their defensive strategy at either the leaf tissue or phloem level.

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