Making long-term memories in minutes: a spaced learning pattern from memory research in education thumbnail
Making long-term memories in minutes: a spaced learning pattern from memory research in education
The complexity of rapid human communication systems can be usefully considered in comparison with communication in other species. The study of language in humans and song in birds is a well-known example to demonstrate that humans are not the only species to be able to learn in early life complex co
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  • The complexity of rapid human communication systems can be usefully considered in comparison with communication in other species. The study of language in humans and song in birds is a well-known example to demonstrate that humans are not the only species to be able to learn in early life complex communication systems
  • This meant instruction elements were always 20 min or less. Spaced Learning as used in study was therefore three intensive instruction elements of the same content with minor variations each lasting 20 min or less (stimuli), spaced by two distractor activities of 10 min (spaces without the stimuli).

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