Pathomechanisms of Autoimmune Based Testicular Inflammation thumbnail
Pathomechanisms of Autoimmune Based Testicular Inflammation
Indoleamine-2,3-dioxygenase (IDO) expression in porcine Sertoli cells and the ability of these cells to restore immune tolerance in NOD mice (42) point to a role of IDO in testis immune privilege. Current findings from functional in vivo experimental studies confirm that tryptophan metabolism modula
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  • Indoleamine-2,3-dioxygenase (IDO) expression in porcine Sertoli cells and the ability of these cells to restore immune tolerance in NOD mice (42) point to a role of IDO in testis immune privilege. Current findings from functional in vivo experimental studies confirm that tryptophan metabolism modulates inflammatory immune response to spermatic anti...
  • Local administration of IL17A into the rat testis increases BTB permeability by reducing occludin expression and delocalization of claudin-11
  • IL6 impairs the Sertoli cell tight junction barrier in normal rats by perturbing the MAPK14 signaling pathway and inhibiting BTB-constituent protein degradation
  • TNFα administered locally to adult rat testis inhibits the steady-state protein levels of occludin, ZO-1, and N-cadherin altering the BTB function

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