future_of_skills_automotive_sector_in_turkey_summary_note.pdf thumbnail
Using the International Standard Classification of Education, in 2019 it was estimated that 25% of all employees were high-skilled, 40% were medium-skilled, and 35% were low-skilled in the manufacturing segment since 2009 nearly 43% in the manufacturing segment and 31% in the trading segment , in 20
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  • Using the International Standard Classification of Education, in 2019 it was estimated that 25% of all employees were high-skilled, 40% were medium-skilled, and 35% were low-skilled in the manufacturing segment
  • since 2009 nearly 43% in the manufacturing segment and 31% in the trading segment
  • , in 2019 it was estimated that 25% of all employees were high-skilled, 40% were medium-skilled, and 35% were low-skilled in the manufacturing segment;



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