Georgetown study: 'To succeed in America, it's better to be born rich than smart' thumbnail
Georgetown study: 'To succeed in America, it's better to be born rich than smart'
“To succeed in America, it’s better to be born rich than smart,” People with talent often don’t succeed. people with talent that come from disadvantaged households don’t do as well as people with very little talent from advantaged households.” the bottom 25% of socioeconomic status with test scores
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  • “To succeed in America, it’s better to be born rich than smart,”
  • People with talent often don’t succeed.
  • people with talent that come from disadvantaged households don’t do as well as people with very little talent from advantaged households.”
  • the bottom 25% of socioeconomic status with test scores from the top 25% of students has a 31% chance of earning a college education and working a job that pays at least $35,000 by the time they are 25, and at least $45,000 by the time they are 35.
  • the top 25% of socioeconomic status with test scores from the bottom 25% of students had a 71% chance of achieving the same milestones.

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