Achieving an equitable national health system for America | Brookings thumbnail
Achieving an equitable national health system for America | Brookings
here needs to be horizontal equity in financial assistance. The degree of tax relief or direct assistance for working-age households to pay for insurance or care varies widely depending on employment and other factors; it needs to be consistent. Similarly situated households should receive similar f
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  • here needs to be horizontal equity in financial assistance. The degree of tax relief or direct assistance for working-age households to pay for insurance or care varies widely depending on employment and other factors; it needs to be consistent. Similarly situated households should receive similar financial help, wherever they reside and wherever t...
  • As a key tool to address inequities, federal funding for such Federally Qualified Health Centers (FQHCs) needs to be expanded, with an emphasis on areas with greatest need.1
  • The clinic system is the core provider of primary care in most low-income and underinsured communities. Moreover, the system has attracted bipartisan support for many years. Thus, building on it could attract broad political support.
  • Action: Focus on social determinants.
  • The system should guarantee adequate, affordable, and accessible care to all U.S. residents. While there are significant differences of opinion on exactly what services should be available to everyone and how a system should be organized, the idea of at least basic services that are realistically available and affordable to all is broadly accepted ...

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