there’s a difference between writing a book based on published material and writing a book based on unpublished material, and it’s a huge difference. I attach much more importance to books that I’ve written based on unpublished material and books that others have written. Why? Because that which is published is essentially filtered. A huge filter h...
the test is always, are your children going to turn to you in the moment of crisis? Are they going to tell you the good news when there is good news? Are you able to remain in contact even when there’s a great distance geographically between you?
to anybody who’s highly motivated, super-driven, type-A personality, do what you have to do, but remember the relationship that you have with your children is more important than anything else. And on your tombstone, it doesn’t say “wrote 150 emails a day, or closed X deals,” or it doesn’t say “published 16 books.” That’s not what the gravestones s...
I don’t think there’s any kind of way I could find a religious faith, I would feel a phony. On the other hand, I don’t think it’s a good operating system for a society and all attempts to build a society on atheism have produced terrible horrors. I mean, think Soviet Union, anti-clericalism, anti-Christianity doesn’t have a great record.
I think it offers not only some kind of consolation, but it also offers social connections that you won’t form in the workplace. So I came around to believing that although I didn’t have religious faith, I should take my children to church and I should make sure that they were educated in Christianity and indeed in other belief systems, but that Ch...
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