Europe needs better, more strategic crisis management, according to independent scientific and ethics advisors thumbnail
Europe needs better, more strategic crisis management, according to independent scientific and ethics advisors
Commissioner Gabriel said: “Expert advice is pivotal in moments of crisis, as COVID-19 and climate change have shown. I welcome the contributions of the Scientific Advice Mechanism and the European Group on Ethics, whose collaborative work has become a pillar of our crisis response ever since the o
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Independent scientific and ethics advisors have called for better and more strategic crisis management in Europe. The European Group on Ethics and the Scientific Advice Mechanism have been praised for their contributions to the crisis response during the COVID-19 pandemic. Commissioner Gabriel emphasized the importance of expert advice in times of crisis, highlighting the need for improved crisis management in the face of challenges like COVID-19 and climate change.

Top Highlights

  • Commissioner Gabriel said: “Expert advice is pivotal in moments of crisis, as COVID-19 and climate change have shown. I welcome the contributions of the Scientific Advice Mechanism and the European Group on Ethics, whose collaborative work has become a pillar of our crisis response ever since the outbreak of the coronavirus pandemic”
  • Commissioner Lenarčič said: “Europe is facing a changing risk landscape. Crises are growing in number, in severity and in frequency every year. The EU is determined to strengthen the European crisis management system in response to this trend. To do this effectively, we need to rely on scientific evidence, advice and recommendations
  • The Evidence Review report stresses that crises are changing in nature, transcending borders and sectors, and having cascading and overlapping consequences on society, the economy and the environment
  • Based on this scientific evidence, the Chief Scientific Advisors passed over to the European Commission the following recommendations: The EU should plan and prepare for crises over the full timeline, from preparedness to response and recovery. Synergies between crisis mitigation measures should be considered The EU should strengthen synergies bet...

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