The Committee also adopted a text on “Entrepreneurship for sustainable development”, approving it by a recorded vote of 146 in favour to 26 against, with 6 abstentions (Angola, China, Maldives, Nicaragua, South Africa, Sri Lanka).
That text was approved by consensus after the Committee rejected an amendment to operative paragraph 2 of that text by a recorded vote of 55 in favour and 97 against, with 13 abstentions.
A vote was requested on the proposed amendment to operative paragraph 2. The amendment was then rejected in a vote of 55 in favour and 97 against, with 13 abstentions.
The Committee then considered the draft resolution titled “International trade and development” (document A/C.2/77/L.5/Rev.1). A recorded vote on operative paragraph 24 of the draft was requested. The paragraph was retained by a recorded vote of 123 in favour to 50 against, with one abstention (Türkiye).
The draft resolution as a whole was then approved without a vote.
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