Sonnet 69 by William Shakespeare - Poem Analysis thumbnail
Sonnet 69 by William Shakespeare - Poem Analysis
All tongues, the voice of souls, give thee that due, speaking directly to this young man describes for him how the world sees and perceives him. The world can see the visible parts of the youth, his striking beauty. There is no one who would doubt that this young man is gorgeous. It is something tha
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  • All tongues, the voice of souls, give thee that due,
  • speaking directly to this young man
  • describes for him how the world sees and perceives him. The world can see the visible parts of the youth, his striking beauty. There is no one who would doubt that this young man is gorgeous.
  • It is something that even “foes commend”. This is a powerful way of describing how overwhelmingly the youth’s appearance was. Everyone praises him unreservedly.
  • But those same tongues that give thee so thine own

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