Sonnet 61 by William Shakespeare - Poem Analysis thumbnail
Sonnet 61 by William Shakespeare - Poem Analysis
instead that it is his love for the youth that is keeping his “eye awake”. speaker knows that the Fair Youth cares about him, it is not this care that’s keeping the speaker awake at night. His own “true love” is defeating his “rest”. sks the youth if it was his intention that his “image should keep”
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  • instead that it is his love for the youth that is keeping his “eye awake”.
  • speaker knows that the Fair Youth cares about him, it is not this care that’s keeping the speaker awake at night. His own “true love” is defeating his “rest”.
  • sks the youth if it was his intention that his “image should keep” him awake at night
  • preventing his “heavy” or tired “eyelids” from closing in the “weary night”
  • asks the Fair Youth if he wants the speaker to wake up, when he finally does get to sleep, because of recurring images of the youth.

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