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hat hypothesis holds that native-language categories shape cognition in a color memory task, participants showed best performance for pairs of colors that were named differently in their native language, yielding language-congruent differences in color memor Instead, they found differences in color
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  • hat hypothesis holds that native-language categories shape cognition
  • in a color memory task, participants showed best performance for pairs of colors that were named differently in their native language, yielding language-congruent differences in color memor
  • Instead, they found differences in color memory that were congruent with the rather different color naming systems of the two languages they examined: Berinmo, a language of Papua New Guinea, and English
  • p(S|c1, c2) ∝ p(c1, c2|S)p(S) [Bayes’ rule] (1) = p(c1|c2, S)p(c2|S)p(S) (2) = p(c1|S)p(c2|S)p(S) [because c1 is independent of c2 given S] (3) = p(c1|S)p(c2|S) [because p(S) is uniform] (4) = N (μ1, σ2 1 ) N (μ2, σ2 2 )

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