G.R. No. 119706 thumbnail
G.R. No. 119706
The appellate court declared correct the non-application by the trial court of the limited liability of therein defendant-appellant under the "Conditions of the Contract" contained in the air waybill Plaintiff Gilda Mejia testified that sometime on January 27, 1990, she took defendant's plane from S
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  • The appellate court declared correct the non-application by the trial court of the limited liability of therein defendant-appellant under the "Conditions of the Contract" contained in the air waybill
  • Plaintiff Gilda Mejia testified that sometime on January 27, 1990, she took defendant's plane from San Francisco, U.S.A. for Manila, Philippines
  • Amongst her baggages (sic) was a slightly used microwave oven with the brand name "Sharp" under PAL Air Waybill No. 0-79-1013008-3
  • When shipped, defendant's office at San Francisco inspected it. It was in good condition with its front glass intact. She did not declare its value upon the advice of defendant's personnel at San Francisco.
  • When she arrived in Manila, she gave her sister Concepcion C. Diño authority to claim her baggag(e)

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