Mentorship can be life changing. Staying in the driver’s seat and being proactive about your relationship with your mentor is key to its success.
Ask for the first meeting. A coffee or video call is low commitment for your target mentor and will give you an opportunity to better understand them and see if they’re the right fit for you.
Nurture the relationship. Don’t just focus the discussion on work. Take the time to really connect with the other person. After your meeting, send a thank-you note to show gratitude for their time
Maintain the relationship. Demonstrate a return on their investment — their time — by keeping them updated on your progress, offering to help and showing them that you appreciate the time and guidance they are giving to you
A good mentor can make a huge imprint on your life, and it is thanks to not one, but many, that I was able to grow from that woman stuck at the gas station into who I am now
Interesting opinion, but felt a bit too corny with the suggested approach, felt less genuine than what it should be
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