Does Your Office Have a Jargon Problem? thumbnail
Does Your Office Have a Jargon Problem?
In other words, the lower-status participants used more jargon because they were preoccupied with how they would be judged by others. In one study, we asked MBA students to imagine they were entrepreneurs in a pitch competition trying to get venture capital funding. Overall, participants were signif
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  • In other words, the lower-status participants used more jargon because they were preoccupied with how they would be judged by others.
  • In one study, we asked MBA students to imagine they were entrepreneurs in a pitch competition trying to get venture capital funding.
  • Overall, participants were significantly more likely to use the high-jargon pitch when they were in the lower-status condition.
  • it can make communication more difficult for group outsiders and lead them to disengage.
  • It can sound meaningless and be called bullshit.


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