Summary. A review of recent research provides clear evidence that many organizations are currently undervaluing the power of digital design and should invest more in behaviorally informed designs to help people make better choices. In many cases, even minor fixes can have a major impact, offering a return on investment that’s several times large...
A review of recent research provides clear evidence that many organizations are currently undervaluing the power of digital design and should invest more in behaviorally informed designs to help people make better choices.
What did we find? For starters, these simple design changes increased the rate of personalized enrollment by 15%, or a nine percentage point increase from a baseline of 60%
Ultimately, we estimate that the design changes led to an increase in overall contributions equivalent to increasing the typical plan match by over 60%.
However, the personalized videos doubled the activation rate, with 8.2% signing into their retirement accounts.
Glasp is a social web highlighter that people can highlight and organize quotes and thoughts from the web, and access other like-minded people’s learning.