Research: How Customers Decide Whether to Buy from Your Website thumbnail
Research: How Customers Decide Whether to Buy from Your Website
Why do so few online shoppers convert to purchasers? Consumer behavior research suggests that trust is essential to forming an intention to purchase. When trust is high, people are much more likely to take risks and engage in trade When making decisions involving risk, such as an online purchase fro
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  • Why do so few online shoppers convert to purchasers?
  • Consumer behavior research suggests that trust is essential to forming an intention to purchase. When trust is high, people are much more likely to take risks and engage in trade
  • When making decisions involving risk, such as an online purchase from a website, consumers tend to rely more on intuition than on deliberation.
  • an explanation as to why things like aesthetics, professionalism, and other implicit clues matter for building online trust.




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