What Most Companies Miss About Customer Lifetime Value thumbnail
What Most Companies Miss About Customer Lifetime Value
For managers and marketers alike, the power to calculate what customers might be worth is alluring. That’s what makes customer lifetime value (CLV) so popular in so many industries. CLV brings both quantitative rigor and long-term perspective to customer acquisition and relationships. “Rather than
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Customer lifetime value (CLV) is a popular metric that helps companies optimize their acquisition spending for maximum value. However, CLV often fails to consider how customers truly become more valuable over time. Instead of just focusing on delighting customers and meeting their needs, companies should see innovation as an investment in the human capital and capabilities of customers. CLV metrics should measure how effectively innovation investment increases customer health and wealth. By rethinking how they add value to customers, companies can generate actionable insights and create better, more valuable customers.

Top Highlights

  • For managers and marketers alike, the power to calculate what customers might be worth is alluring. That’s what makes customer lifetime value (CLV) so popular in so many industries. CLV brings both quantitative rigor and long-term perspective to customer acquisition and relationships. “Rather than thinking about how you can acquire a lot of custom...


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