‘Viksit Bharat Sankalp Yatra’ : nationwide awareness campaign from 15th Nov - GK Now thumbnail
‘Viksit Bharat Sankalp Yatra’ : nationwide awareness campaign from 15th Nov - GK Now
‘Viksit Bharat Sankalp Yatra’ : nationwide awareness campaign from 15th Nov Yatra will begin in the Khunti district of Jharkhand campaign aims to create awareness and ensure public participation (Jan Bhagidari) in developmental and welfare schemes as India works towards becoming a developed country
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  • ‘Viksit Bharat Sankalp Yatra’ : nationwide awareness campaign from 15th Nov
  • Yatra will begin in the Khunti district of Jharkhand
  • campaign aims to create awareness and ensure public participation (Jan Bhagidari) in developmental and welfare schemes as India works towards becoming a developed country by 2047.


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