ISSF World Cup 2023 : Indian shooter Elavenil Valarivan wins Gold medal in women’s 10 metre air rifle event - GK Now thumbnail
ISSF World Cup 2023 : Indian shooter Elavenil Valarivan wins Gold medal in women’s 10 metre air rifle event - GK Now
Rio event, the ISSF World Cup finals are scheduled to take place in Doha, Qatar, from November 18 to 27. ISSF World Cup 2023 : Indian shooter Elavenil Valarivan wins Gold medal in women’s 10 metre air rifle event Indian shooter Elavenil Valarivan secured the gold medal in the women’s 10-meter air ri
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  • Rio event, the ISSF World Cup finals are scheduled to take place in Doha, Qatar, from November 18 to 27.
  • ISSF World Cup 2023 : Indian shooter Elavenil Valarivan wins Gold medal in women’s 10 metre air rifle event
  • Indian shooter Elavenil Valarivan secured the gold medal in the women’s 10-meter air rifle event at the ISSF World Cup 2023 held in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, on September 18, 2023.


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