DRDO conducted successful Flight Test of Indigenous Technology Cruise Missile from ITR Chandipur - GK Now thumbnail
DRDO conducted successful Flight Test of Indigenous Technology Cruise Missile from ITR Chandipur - GK Now
DRDO conducted successful Flight Test of Indigenous Technology Cruise Missile from ITR Chandipur Chairman of DRDO, Dr. Samir V Kamat, praised the entire DRDO team for the successful launch of the Indigenous Technology Cruise Missile. The successful test demonstrated the reliable performance of the i
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  • DRDO conducted successful Flight Test of Indigenous Technology Cruise Missile from ITR Chandipur
  • Chairman of DRDO, Dr. Samir V Kamat, praised the entire DRDO team for the successful launch of the Indigenous Technology Cruise Missile.
  • The successful test demonstrated the reliable performance of the indigenous propulsion system developed by the Gas Turbine Research Establishment.


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