Bhartiya Bhasha Utsav: 75 Days of Indian Language Celebration starts in Lucknow - GK Now thumbnail
Bhartiya Bhasha Utsav: 75 Days of Indian Language Celebration starts in Lucknow - GK Now
Bhartiya Bhasha Utsav: 75 Days of Indian Language Celebration starts in Lucknow Bhartiya Bhasha Utsav, commenced on September 28, 2023, in Lucknow. participation of Padma Shree awardees and representatives from various Indian languages. birthday of the famous Tamil poet Subrahmanyam Bharti, celebrat
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  • Bhartiya Bhasha Utsav: 75 Days of Indian Language Celebration starts in Lucknow
  • Bhartiya Bhasha Utsav, commenced on September 28, 2023, in Lucknow.
  • participation of Padma Shree awardees and representatives from various Indian languages.
  • birthday of the famous Tamil poet Subrahmanyam Bharti, celebrated as Indian Languages Day.


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