Effects of the firing-rate estimation time-constant (τ) on closed-loop stability of PI control in vitro. (A) The network firing rate is shown during control using different values of τ (K = 0.1 and Ti = 1.0 s). Different values of τ were used in random order and correspond to the colors shown in (C). Firing rates were calculated using a bin size of...
average unit-to-unit cross-correlogram for both cultures (top, bin = 5 ms) and unit-to-unit synchronization structure for culture 1 (bottom) during optogenetic feedback control. Synchronization was defined as,
where Ncc is number of correlated events within ± 10 ms, and Ni and Nj are the number of spikes from units i and j used to calculated the cross-correlogram.
Network firing rate calculated using 1 s bins and (B.ii) 5-min bins. The red line indicates the 0.75 Hz/unit target rate. (B.iii) Raw on-off control waveform. (B.iv) On-to-off transition frequency histogram calculated using 5-min bins. (C) Time-averaged firing rates for each epoch of the experiment with numerical values written above the bars. Note...
. (F) Mean vs standard deviation of the ISI distribution for each target rate. The dotted identity line indicates Poisson firing statistics. Inset bar chart shows the mean CVISI across units during spontaneous and clamped firing. *p = 0.043; t-test
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