The new measures complement the Data Governance Act, which was the first deliverable under the European strategy for data and became applicable in September 2023. While the Data Governance Act regulates processes and structures that facilitate voluntary data sharing, the Data Act clarifies who can create value from data and under which conditions. ...
by establishing clear rules on the permissible use of data and the associated conditions, while sustaining incentives for data holders to continue investing in high-quality data generation. The new rules aim to facilitate the seamless transfer of valuable data between data holders and data users while upholding its confidentiality.
Mitigating the abuse of contractual imbalances that impede equitable data sharing. This entails safeguarding enterprises from unjust contractual terms imposed by a party wielding a considerably stronger market position.
connected devices (specifically within the Internet of Things (IoT)), new data is generated during normal usage. This adds to the product, becoming one of its essential components. The Data Act gives individuals and businesses the right to access the data produced through their utilisation of smart objects, machines and devices.
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