The Political Intensification of Caste: India Under the Raj - CORE Reader thumbnail
The Political Intensification of Caste: India Under the Raj - CORE Reader
orde rly poli ty” was anchoredin the cast esyste m. Eac h Indi an had a place in the structure,and each performeda tas kusef ul to soci et y. This polit y pres erve d “the libertiesand rights,as well asthe dut ie s of all gro ups”. The ac cus ation of ‘Indiandes potism’wa
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  • orde rly poli ty” was anchoredin the cast esyste m. Eac h Indi an had a place in the structure,and each performeda tas kusef ul to soci et y. This polit y pres erve d “the libertiesand rights,as well asthe dut ie s of all gro ups”. The ac cus ation of ‘Indiandes potism’wa

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