During both the Rough-grunt and Control Call conditions, a rough-grunt or control call was broadcast from one of the two speakers. The side from which the rough- grunt or control call was broadcast was randomly selected before each trial. I initiated the playback while standing in the human area in the middle of the center room. Once the playback w...
I did not find that rough-grunt production was correlated with the dominance status of the signaler, indicating that this result is not due to lower ranking individuals calling more than higher ranking individuals. These results suggest that chimpanzees produce rough-grunts in order to communicate with high ranking individuals during foraging conte...
In order to function referentially, signals must display consistent acoustic variation to a given stimulus (Marler et al.,
These studies emphasize the function of the rough-grunt vocalization due to its specificity to foraging contexts.
When examining the function of food-associated calling behavior, I found that the production of food associated calls was better explained by social than ecological fact
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