Standard of Care Required of Children - 72834744.pdf thumbnail
Standard of Care Required of Children - 72834744.pdf
There is a strong policy in favor of protecting children from losses attributable to their immaturity. that children, as well as adults, should use the prudence and discretion which persons of their years ordinarily have, and that they cannot be permitted with impunity to indulge in conduct which th
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  • There is a strong policy in favor of protecting children from losses attributable to their immaturity.
  • that children, as well as adults, should use the prudence and discretion which persons of their years ordinarily have, and that they cannot be permitted with impunity to indulge in conduct which they know, or ought to know, to be careless, because chil- dren are often reckless and mischievous
  • If a child has the capacity to appreciate danger and is sufficiently e:h.-perienced to avoid it, but is regularly more reck- less or daring than ordinary children of his age, intelligence and expelience, he will be held to the standard of conduct established by such ordinary children rather than by his own usually reck- less conduct.
  • In determining whether or not his conduct was proper in view of Iris intelligence, kno·wl- edge and e:ll..-perience, his conduct is to be compared ;,vith that of the careful and prudent clrild of similar qualities.

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