The definition of sports varies between cultures, with Europe emphasizing physical activity for social relationships and competition, while the US focuses on institutionalization, competition, and rules. Violence is inherent in sports, and defining it solely as physical activity is insufficient. Language and culture are also subject to "alienation," where once established, they become binding. Sports have a deep structure that allows for the repetition of visible phenomena. "Form" in this context refers to the rules that govern the construction of artificial objects, such as the syllable count in haiku.
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カン(2005)によると 1 、アメリカはスポーツを構成す る要素として、「制度化」「競争」「規則」「身体活動」を挙げ、「運動」「レクレ ーション」「遊び」とは異質概念として扱っているのに対し、ヨーロッパでは「組 織化されてないか組織化されているかに拘わらず、参加による身体的、精神的 な健康を増進しながら社会的な関係を形成しつつ、競争の目的で行われるすべ ての身体活動(All forms of physical activity, which through casual or organized participation, aim at improving physical fitness and mental well being, forming social relationshi...
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