The present study examined the relationship between Black racial identity and countertransference experiences within the Black therapist-White client counseling dyad. Due to the unique social and political history of race relations in the United States, there are distinct qualities to this particular dyad. Within the therapy setting, Black therapis...
According to Sue et al. (1992), “culturally skilled counselors are aware of how their own cultural background and experiences, attitudes, and values and biases influence psychological processes”
For therapists who do not recognize racial differences as impacting therapy, this may be reflective of their own racial consciousness and/or racial identity attitudes.
Helms (1984) observed that “sociocultural experiences, adaptability, and formal education opportunities” all influence “racial consciousness,” and that racial consciousness plays an important role in counseling dyads (p.162)
(a) Focus on the Therapeutic Relationship, (b) Client Disclosures, (c) Avoidance, (d) Stereotypes/Assumptions, (e) Racism, and (f) Ambiguity
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