Using colour semiotics to explore colour meanings - 197966828.pdf thumbnail
Using colour semiotics to explore colour meanings - 197966828.pdf
The first level indicates a direct relationship between sign and object. The sign-object relationship is interpreted as a denotative meaning based predominantly on the obvious and common-sense understanding, which some observers would call “reality”. As for the three types of signs defined by Peirce
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  • The first level indicates a direct relationship between sign and object. The sign-object relationship is interpreted as a denotative meaning based predominantly on the obvious and common-sense understanding, which some observers would call “reality”. As for the three types of signs defined by Peirce (1998a), it can be argued that iconic and indexic...
  • A basic assumption in semiotics is that everything communicates and/or sends a message as long as somebody receives it and creates a meaning from it. As a result, communication always involves meanings that are created and exchanged either intentionally or unintentionally (Duncan and Moriarty, 1998).
  • Thus, any marketing activity— product, packaging, advertising or retailing— comprises a set of signs and can be considered a sign system that underlies meanings (Sebeok, 1997)
  • illustrates how colours function in a natural and cultural environment, how they are identified for survival and the physiological and psychological effects of colour on behaviour. For instance, blue food can suppress appetite, while warm colours like yellow and red attract attention and can thus physically entice consumers to enter a particular st...
  • The basic premise of colour semantics is that colour is any sign, verbal or visual, that signifies something other than itself.

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