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Write for Better Humans
We want articles with smart self-improvement advice. The advice has to be backed up by personal experience. Detailed how-to articles on attaining self-improvement goals, backed up by the writer’s personal experience. We strongly prefer articles in the form of empathic tutorials. When selecting artic
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8 Highlights
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Top Highlights

  • We want articles with smart self-improvement advice. The advice has to be backed up by personal experience.
  • Detailed how-to articles on attaining self-improvement goals, backed up by the writer’s personal experience.
  • We strongly prefer articles in the form of empathic tutorials. When selecting articles, we ask ourselves:
  • Here’s what we publish: Detailed how-to articles on attaining self-improvement goals, backed up by the writer’s personal experience. Articles that go beyond generic advice, including insider tips and details that would be known only by someone who actually worked toward the goal themselves.
  • Does this help the reader do something specific they will want to do? Is there evidence that the advice worked for the writer? Did the writer include advice they tried that didn’t work? Does the writer share tips on implementing the advice (the “how” rather than just the “what”)? Does the article make a case for why we should trust the advice? Does...


Self Improvement
Self Development
Quantified Self
Publications on Medium

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