For those that aren’t familiar with Joyce or his work, Ulysses is a modernist novel that was published in 1920 and is considered “the marathon of literature.” Joyce is known for mixing different narrative styles, experimenting with language, and fusing different literary methods that span numerous periods in English literature. He pushed barriers i...
Following Ryan’s advice, I started reading more abstract and challenging pieces of work — mostly in the realm of philosophy and stoicism: Nietzsche, Marcus Auerlieus, Montaigne, and Plato, for instance.
There’s several reasons why picking up a difficult read can benefit us: it can help us grow — learn, unlearn, and relearn. From a personal challenge standpoint, pushing ourselves out of our comfort zone helps us garner a strong sense of accomplishment and builds confidence. Reading hard texts will make you smarter, a better writer, more literate, a...
While it’s true that easy reads are much more enjoyable and relaxing, challenging reads that have stood the test of time push you to think with a new frame of reference. Combining different disciplines can change the way you see and interpret the world, spark new ideas in your work, creative projects, relationships, and life.
Reading perennial books can provide you with real, long-lasting knowledge, not just the latest hot tips from an IG influencer with 1m + followers.
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