Habit Plans Are Too Rigid. Use Habit Sprints Instead. thumbnail
Habit Plans Are Too Rigid. Use Habit Sprints Instead.
“Be the Scientist and the Subject” One framework for thinking flexibly about habits that the authors of Change Anything put forward is to think of habits the way scientists think of their research — testing hypotheses, gathering data, evaluating the results, and then changing what they believe based
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  • “Be the Scientist and the Subject” One framework for thinking flexibly about habits that the authors of Change Anything put forward is to think of habits the way scientists think of their research — testing hypotheses, gathering data, evaluating the results, and then changing what they believe based on the data. But with habits, the testing and exp...
  • Using flexible habit sprints instead of rigid habit plans will put you on a path of habit resilience.
  • What matters is that your system is set up to be tweaked every two weeks — that’s what will get you what you really want — which is not habit perfection, but habit persistence.

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