Report: Microsoft cut a key AI ethics team thumbnail
Report: Microsoft cut a key AI ethics team
Microsoft’s corporate vice president of AI, John Montgomery, said that there was great pressure to “take these most recent OpenAI models and the ones that come after them and move them into customers' hands at a very high speed.” But Bender said that with this move, Microsoft "basically says" that i
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  • Microsoft’s corporate vice president of AI, John Montgomery, said that there was great pressure to “take these most recent OpenAI models and the ones that come after them and move them into customers' hands at a very high speed.”
  • But Bender said that with this move, Microsoft "basically says" that if the company perceives the ethics and society team recommendations "as contrary to what's gonna make us money in the short term, then they gotta go.”
  • mitigation strategies re
  • Expert calls decision "damning," says it's time for regulators to get involved.



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